Motherhood Project Story – Morgan: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Miracles


Hello, My name is Morgan. I am a mom to 3 beautiful kids; Maverick, Vera, and Farrah. All I ever wanted was to be a mom. Once I was married and finished my master’s degree I figured we would just start our family and that would be it but this would come with its own set of problems. It took over 1 ½ years to get pregnant with my now 7-year-old, Maverick.

He is a momma boy, smart, caring, competitive, and the best big brother. The pregnancy was wonderful, delivery went smoothly, He was a wonderful baby albeit a little tough, but I was ready to have another one. We started trying to have another child once he turned 1. I had the same problems getting pregnant only magnified. We tried and tried and saw reproductive specialists all with no luck. We decided a couple of years into trying we wanted to adopt. We explored many avenues for this but ultimately landed on private adoption. We continued to go through treatments while waiting for a possible adoption. I was going to have more babies one way or another.

Four years after we started trying to get pregnant, after multiple IUIs and after 3 rounds of failed IVF on our 4th try with IVF I got pregnant. The emotions were uncontrollable. 10 weeks into the pregnancy I would learn it was not viable and I would miscarry. The heartache was unbearable. In this same week, I got the worst news ever I got a phone call from our lawyer. She was calling to let us know there was a baby at the hospital that needed a forever home and asked if we were interested. YES! Absolutely! That is the day we met Vera our now 2-year-old. We are the only home she has ever known. She is sassy, stubborn, sweet, and wild. She has been the greatest joy and is such a blessing from God. His providence in our life is what has sustained us through it all. His grace was magnified that day.

Exactly one year after my failed pregnancy I would learn I was pregnant again. This little angel was born in August 2022. Her name is Farrah and she is now 8 months old. She is the sweetest, most delicate little snuggler and has helped heal this heart of mine after 6 years of ups and downs.

Motherhood comes in all different shapes and sizes. There are many ways and methods to motherhood as I have experienced firsthand. Each one is special and unique and none of them is lesser than the other. Motherhood is a miracle and a gift from God. I try to remember what a gift it is to be their safe space and to foster that for them every day. Motherhood has changed me. It has made me more patient. It has made me slow down and see the world in a different light. It has made me laugh, smile, and play more. They are each a small piece of my heart walking around in this world. They are my joy and on hard days I get to come home to them and love on them and smile.

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If you’re interested in capturing your own motherhood journey through a personalized photo session, consider scheduling a session with me. It would be an honor to document the love, resilience, and beauty of your motherhood experience. Every moment deserves to be cherished, celebrated, and remembered for a lifetime.

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